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Grab yourself a new outfit for Back to School!

Grab yourself a new outfit for Back to School!

Heather Crow
Por Heather Crow

Join the Boutiques of Southlands for a fun night of Back to School shopping! This is a night your don't want to miss!  July 30th...

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Popping Up in Parker...

Popping Up in Parker...

Heather Crow
Por Heather Crow

Stay tuned for the First of MANY Pop-ups in Parker!

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Join us for our Lucky Ladies Event... March 8th!

Join us for our Lucky Ladies Event... March 8th!

Heather Crow
Por Heather Crow

Another great combined shopping event. Come see us for the good stuff! Will you be one of the lucky winners that night?

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Galentine's Sip & Shop
events galentines shop and hop sip and shop

Galentine's Sip & Shop

Heather Crow
Por Heather Crow

We partnered together to bring a fun night of hopping and shopping around. 

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